
Can any 1 tell what this noise is


New member
i hav a 5 hp mariner and it is

i hav a 5 hp mariner and it is making a noise i think near the exhaust i think could any 1 tell me what it could be thanx very much
All of my motors periodically

All of my motors periodically make a noise near the exhaust. Sometimes for hours but then the sound would go away for a period of time just as I get to the dock or my favorite fishing hole but would come back again usually when I am ready to leave the dock or calling it a day and heading home.
Sorry for being sarcastic but your discription of the symptom is rather vague.
"If you are hearing a noise th

"If you are hearing a noise that is a banging, you might want to do some basic troubleshooting. Before you do this, it is worth noting that your description is very vague, but I would rather be cautious then have a real problem blow your engine.

Check the vitals.. make sure oil is in the gas or being mixed properly. You might want to note if the sound is something you hear in gear or out.. or both. The more info you provide, the better people can help you."