
cdi stator


Regular Contributor
Hi guies,Ok last season i replaced the ign system on a 1970 60 hp johnson points,stator,rectofier,amp box,coil,spark plug wires.It ran great for about 2 weeks then burnt out a new rectofier.It ran great again butt in about 3 weeks it burnt out a other rectofier and coil.So I new something was not right.I tested the new stator from cdi ele inc and the ohms read double of what my manual stated 0.75 + or - 0.2 ohms.So on the hi end 0.95 low end 0.55.This new cdi stator was reading 2.0 ohms about double .I called cdi and spoke with the head teck team guy.He was infact in qustion why this stator was getting a reading that hi.He told me to ship it back in order for them to check and test ,so i did.Mean while I had a 9 amp stator that came off a 1972 100 hp johnson same stator for the 1970 60 hp.So now I replace the rectofier for the third time and replace a new burnt coil with a new one .Well over a hundred dollars out of pocket.The motor has ran fine since with no burnt out ign parts.3 weeks go by and no call from cdi inc.So I call the teck team to find out whats up with the cdi stator that now I asume has caused all the problems.When i call i get the run around them telling me that there real backed up and the head guy is out teaching class.So i jumped a little chain of comand and called there parts and warrenty dept.So some lady looks up the info and then tells me that the stator tested bad and it is out being rewond.She says they were going to wave the 200 dollars for this repair.I would hope so as it is still under warrenty i tell her.I then bring up the fact that I had to replace 3 rectofiers and 2 coils do to this stator being bad.So I here the song and dance that she can not help me on this matter and I would need to speak to her boss.And of corse she tells me he is out sick.tomorow I will call to find out if they can compencesate me atleast 100 dollars for the parts i replaced.Am i pissing in the wind or is it only in fearness they cover some loss do to there part being bad?
I have dealt with this company for a few years. There tech dept is great and they are teaching there class this week, in Alabama I think. In the future dial direct to the Tech Dept and bypass the office help.

As for your engine. Did you replace all the parts on your engine with CDI replacement parts or are they from different manufactures?
The new points are new old stock omc johnson out of the box.The amp box is omc wabash out of the box.The coil and rectofier are searra.So it is a mixed bag of parts.But really,does it make that much of a difference?I think that might be there leverage card to tell me they can not compencesate me on the parts I replaced.After talking to one of the white hats on the teck team ,he told me that cdi just came out with a new part for these older unregulated ign systems.reg-rec 193-3408 there price is 98 bucks.So I told them I would call it a wash if they could give me one to settle my loss.They then told me they would settle for 20 percent off the 98 bucks.I then said do the math 2 rectofiers and a coil cost me over 100 dollars.That means Iam eating 100 dollars.They must feel somewhat at fault even to offer the 20 percent off.So I am playing hard ball with them and I only find it to be fair.They are Im sure a million dollar company and they want to squeeze pennies and piss a costermer off.I no in my field if the custermer is not happy I do what ever means to change that.If they are in the right.And I feel I am in the right.So back to your qustion with the parts being the same make .Does it really make a difference?If you put after market pistons in VS the johnson factory the motor should run just as good.Or does the ele ign system make a difference?
I have found that mix matching any electronic ignition parts will have the same results. I usually only purchase CDI parts.

I never mix manufactures especially if I am changing all the parts. Sierra would be my last choice.
tony not shur about mixing and matching but my new stator had a different resistance than the troubleshooting guide showed. it was marked with a tag stating what it is and to not go by the old troubleshooting guide. i have had nothing but good to say about cdi and hope you get it all straightened out