
electric shift 1970 60 hp


Regular Contributor
haveing issues on 1970 60 hp electric shift. After replacing seals i hooked the lower end back up, now it is stuck in foward any time i run it in nutral my prop turns. if i shut off and put it in revers i get revers and any time i put in in foward i get foward. first guess was that the cylinodes wernt working so i put in a old set that i knew worked, and tryed that but i had the same out come. i know power to both green and blue wires puts it in revers and when i put it in fowared i dont have any power, and nutral i have power to green which i know is correct, so power wise im good, i have cheacked with test light with someone at controles shifting between gears. as i was replaceing the seals i had the lower unit up side down,sideways, and every other way, could this of knocked anything out of place? i never opened the gear case i just replace the seals under the water pump and a new baring in the houseing. so in all my problem is that the prop is turing in nutral and my bases are covered up to the silinoids. what pass that could be causeing the prop to turn?
Re: electric shift

Most / all of them do turn in nuetral !!!---It is because of the oil dragging it around.-----------------Running in nuetral use a stick and see if you can stop the prop.
Re: electric shift

we had it running with out the prop on in nurale and we tred to grab the prop shaft and we couldent stop it, could a switch wire?
Re: electric shift

There should be no power to solenoids in forward gear.----------If it is in forward the wiring is hooked up wrong or there is something wrong mechanically.
Re: electric shift

If the wirering is crossed would it give me what i explaned??? whene in reverse both power,whene in fowared they both have no power and in nutral only the green. if i wear to switch the blue and green wires could that fix my prolem?
Re: electric shift

Did it shift OK before ??---------------describe the work that you did in some detail.-------------------------------I have repaired numerous of the simple electric shift units.--I always test ( test , not guess ) before re-installing.-------------With green hooked up to 12 volts and the special socket on the driveshaft, they shift to nuetral after ONE QUICK TURN of the driveshaft with a 1/2 drive ratchet.
Re: electric shift

yes it was fine. shifted good. i took it off to replace seals do to water in unit.found bearing under waterpump was bad .the only thing i took off was the pump and housing to replase the bearing. and the back to back seals. after all this no more water in the oil but the unit is in gear when in nutrul.the wires were faded and i possabely hooked up the green to blue. and blue to green. but all the test show corect could i have crossed and everything reads corect but not get nutrul.
Re: electric shift

Sorry , If the motor was on my bench it would be an " easy fix "--------------I seem to have trouble explaining. ---Sorry.
Re: electric shift

hi racer 1 . i realize it is hard to fix a problem over words.it seems your very fimilur with these units unlike myself. but the info you have passed down will give me the chance to pin point the problem weather ele or mec.i am going to pull unit down 1 more time and do a bench test on it. i have a good idia on how the ele silonoids work now before i was a bit unsure.i really think it is a crossed wire between the blue and green. if so simple fix . if not then i will have to go to step 2.to do this bench test you said something about a special socket. i do not have that but can i just put a rag over the top drive shaft splines and hook up a drill to simulate the power head .after doing this test it will give me a direction.if the test fails i will need some help.
Re: electric shift

Describe how you switched out the solenoids .-------------Oil in the unit or oil drained ????---------------Lightly grip the shaft with a vice-grip pliers.-------------Won't hurt a thing.-----------Like I said it should shift to nuetral after about one turn,--------------When you hook up 12 volts to both wires it will go to nuetral after one turn , thru nuetral and into reverse after 2 turns. --------------------------Above all , do not start adjusting the solenoids.
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Re: electric shift

ok racer 1.i took the unit down once again this mornin at 3 am i put 12 v to just the green and spun prop fast and bling i had nutrul. now you said in one post just the green powered with 12 v will give me nutrul but your last post said both. maybe a miss print on your end. because i belive both powered gives me reverse corect. no power to both is forward kind of a nice safety measure.i am in M.A and its only 930 am. it would piss the nabors off to go try it. i will wait till 10.but back to the green and blue wires i had them crossed .so if just green is nutrul i should be good. yesterday i actually had the blue going with 12 v in nutrul. this is what puzzeled me my test light showed me i had it hooked up corect but again blue and green were crossed. please get back with me on the nutrul wire being just the green vs both
Re: electric shift

sorry i read your post over and see what you mean. it allways goes to nutrul before ingaging to reverse corect another safty measure.
Re: electric shift

No misprint on my end at all !!!!!.You are guessing on how these simple things work !!!-----------------In forward the shift piston is spring loaded to put the thing in forward( both oil passages are open so the oil that is pumped does not move the shift piston ).-------------------It does not matter whether one wire is energized or 2 when testing and you turn the DRIVESHAFT.--------------Green solenoid energized, the piston is moved to nuetral (one oil passage is blocked off by the solenoid) ----------------------when both solenoids are energized the second oil passage is blocked off as well and the shift piston shifts it from forward directly to reverse.-------When you understand how these things work they are " simple , elegantly engineered and very reliable ".