
Engine stalls in gear!


I have my outboard running well, starts easy and when I put her in the lake and shift into gear it dies. I tried many attempts after letting it warm up. It runs and idles good but dies under load after going in gear. Outboard is a 1990 70 hp Evinrude. I did put it in gear in the driveway on muffs and it did go in gear and take throttle. Any ideas?
In gear in the driveway is still neutral.-----The prop does not need to WORK fanning the air.-----Post the actual values you get from a compression test.----Does spark jump a gap of 3/8" on a test device?----Does the fitting for the tell tale hose come off the side of the engine , or off the top of the block?
I don't have a compression tester but the tell tale hose is on the starboard side of engine. The engine ran the boat with previous owner without stalling in gear. I just replaced the throttle controller and the idle isn't the same.
Read carefully-----Does the tell tale hose fitting come off the side of the block?----Or off the top of the engine block?
There was a service bulletin in 1994 to move the fitting from the side of the block to the top of the block.-----It is to your benefit to post the actual compression values !
I suppose I'll go ahead and rebuild the carbs with a rebuild kit and see if that fixes or improves.
Just rebuilt carbs and still stalls in water going into gear. I'm going to need a compression tester now. Are the ones on Amazon or the ones at Harbor Freight ok?