
ss needle adj.


Regular Contributor
ok hear i go again. in the past i have asked this qustion and got alot of feedback.first off 60esl 1970. i have adj the slow speed needles as was told by mr joe r on this site. i was able to get it right on the money she purrs.nice idle no misses steady rpm.all though she runs nice at trolling speed 750 too 800 rpms when i romp on it to wide open she boggs out and stumbles and engine will stop. if i feather the throttel she will still bogg out around 2000 too 2500 rpms but after the bogg if i feather her it will hit the spot and run nice at wide open.this is were i have played with the ss adj if i back out ss needles i can get her too run nice at idle and not get the bogging at mid throttle.it seems it runs better on the lean side. should i just run it were she runs best. just seems it should not be doing this after adj the way i was told.could the new fuel be playing a part. this is a looper and i have been told they are a hi comp motor.may this play a part in the difference between the ss needle adj. thank you .
This motor is a looper.----------------It is relatively high compression.-----------------------Start at 5/8 turn out on slow speed needles.----------------Adjust from there.----------------Idling properly you should / will get a slight stumble on acceleration.Iff it is too lean it will stall on acceleration.-------------You do have the linkage to adjust all 3 together and you can set it for best, all day trolling , then open them a touch for better acceleration.
the linkage was taken off the motor to sink all 3 carbs together. so i have too do each one at a time no biggy.as you say adjust the carbs for trolling time then readjust for play time i was doing that for a while butt joe r said it was a bad idia to do such.so this is what i got going on .i think i will adjust the carbs so i get the best of both worlds.even though it is not the proper low speed adjustment.the motor is 40 years old and i expect it to run like a new one. so i may have to tweek the carbs to get it to run the way ilike. i just dont want to do damage in the prosses.what can happen if i do run it on the lean side a little
Bogging out when throttle is applied is usually due to clogged high speed jets which are located in the bottom center portion of the float chamber.

If you haven't cleaned them thoroughly, do so.
Perhaps you should look into a set of newer carburetors with fixed jets (low and high speed ) so that you can " turn the key and go "------I might even have some.
well today at the lake i tweeked the carbs so i get both trolling speed even and steady 750 rpm and good top end with no stumble at mid throttle up. just unsure why it does not run this nice with a normal low speed needle adj.i have them out about 1 1/4 turns from seat .if i remember corectly out is lean and in is rich is this corect. if so it seems i am running on the lean side.i just rebuilt these carbs and have dual stage boyson reeds. in it.maybe these reeds alter the regular low speed needle adj.the normal 5/8 turn out and in untill hi rpm.at idle i got it running at 900 rpm when i put it in gear she drops to 750 rpms. i will check the plugs tomorow and see the color of the 3 this may tell me how it is running rich or lean
In is lean------------5/8 turn out is the IT WILL START AND RUN POSITION.------------after that you fine tune.------------You should hook up the linkage so that you can adjust all 3 quickly without removing the hood !!