sv susanna
New member
I have a Ford Lehman 4D220 on my Sailing Vessel Susanna, however I am trying to figure out exactly which motor I have. it does not appear to be a Dover or Dorset version based on the configuration of the Fuel Injector and the raw water pump. My engine did not have an oil cooler until about a year ago and it was retrofitted by the previous boat owner to the intake of the raw water pump. My raw water pump is rotated by a coupling off of the fuel injector pump drive. The Dover and Dorset versions have a separate drive for the raw water pump and fuel injector pump. On the Dover and Dorset versions the raw water is pumped thru a engine oil cooler then to the engine cooler and transmission cooler. I think I have an EBRO 4D220 however I have not been able to find any info on this version. All of the service info I got with my engine and boat is for the Dover / Dorset versions. Any Comments or Info will be appreciated.