
1975 15hp Johnson Ouboard, how to install a flywheel key


New member
Hi guys, please don't hate on this post if you think it is a stupid question as I am new to the mechanic world of outboards. I recently bought a 1975 15hp johnson outboard, and took it out on the water for the first time, and it ran great, and then wouldn't start while I was out on the water. I got home, and started doing all the basic tests, which then led me to taking the flywheel off. Once off I noticed that the flywheel key had sheared so I took the pieces out so it was clean, and bought a new flywheel key. When I go to install it, I can't figure out how to place the key, and have the magneto/cam fit over top of it. To reference the picture, I put part number 17 into the slot, and then can't make part number 13 fit over the top of it. any advice would be great, and if you don't understand something just ask, and I will try to clarify it. thanks Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 9.00.58 PM.jpg
make sure that there is not a piece of the old key still in the slot then push curved side of the key in as the pic shows you my have to tilt the key to get it started . good luck
Hi guys, please don't hate on this post if you think it is a stupid question as I am new to the mechanic world of outboards. I recently bought a 1975 15hp johnson outboard, and took it out on the water for the first time, and it ran great, and then wouldn't start while I was out on the water. I got home, and started doing all the basic tests, which then led me to taking the flywheel off. Once off I noticed that the flywheel key had sheared so I took the pieces out so it was clean, and bought a new flywheel key. When I go to install it, I can't figure out how to place the key, and have the magneto/cam fit over top of it. To reference the picture, I put part number 17 into the slot, and then can't make part number 13 fit over the top of it. any advice would be great, and if you don't understand something just ask, and I will try to clarify it. thanksView attachment 12379
I realize this is an extremely old post but I have a few mins so maybe it will help someone some day.
Put the parts on the shaft in numerical order. 13 goes on before part number 17, always try doing it this way. I know it gets confusing at time when part id numbers jump around in explode views.