
Starboard side recirculation hose ports


New member
I have a 06 60hp E60DPLSDA that broke a piston seal ring and did massive damage inside the cylinder. So I found a used powerhead with very good compression and never seen saltwater. Like I said my engine was an 06 but the powerhead I got is an 04-05 E50DPLSOR number on motor 350639. My motor has an recirculation hose port on the top side of the upper piston and the new motor dose not have on there but lower down on the top side of the lower piston. My question's are should I not not worry about this? Should grind down and drill a hole to put a port in and plug the lower one? If I need to put the port in would it be ok to use a T to run a line to both ports (see pic https://tinyurl.com/26498y3c ) or just use the upper?

Old Powerhead

New Powerhead