
Johnson Evinrude Outboard Ignition Coils

Ignition Coils

Outboard ignition coils, sometimes called coil packs, supply the high voltage required to fire spark plugs. When low spark is detected on a plug, it might be time to replace a coil. Plastic covered coils can develop cracks in the casing or cracks can develop in wire coverings which lets the current leak or arc out to the engine block. Multi-cylinder engines typically have one coil per cylinder, but some designs have one coil that fires two adjacent cylinders.
Model Year Coil
1.5 / 2 / Junior® 1968-1990 584477
2.5 Ultra / Excel 1987-1990 583740
3 / 4 1950-1976 584477
3 / 4 1991-2001 583740
4 1977-1980 584561
4 1981-1989 584477
4 Deluxe 1985 582508
4 Ultra / Excel 1987-1990 583740
4.5 / 6 / 7.5 / 8 1980-1984 584561
5 HP 2-Cycle 1998 5030218
5 / 5.5 / 6 1950-1976 584477
6 1977-1979 584561
6 / 8 1985 582508
6 / 8 1991-2005 583740
7.5 1954-1958 584477
9.5 1964-1973 584477
9.9 / 15 1974-1976 502880
9.9 / 15 1985-1993 582508
9.9 / 15 1993-2006 583740
9.9 / 15 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 1977-1984 584561
10 1949-1963 584477
15 / 18 / 20 / 25 1951-1972 584477
15-300 Evinrude® E-TEC® 2009-2011 586980
18 / 20 1973 502881
20 / 25 / 30 1985-2005 582508
25 1973-1976 502881
28 / 30 / 33/35 1956-1970 584477
35 1976 502881
40 1960-1973 584477
40 1974 502880
40 1975-1983 502881
40 / 50 1985-1988 582508
40 / 50 2-Cylinder 1989-2006 583740
40 / 50 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 90° V Evinrude® E-TEC® Single Coil 2004-2007 586817
40 / 50 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 90° V Evinrude® E-TEC® Single Coil 2008-AB 586980
50 1958-1959 580243
50 / 65 1971-1975 502890
50 / 55 1976-1977 502886
50 / 55 / 60 / OMC Sail Drive / V4 1978-1984 584561
60 Magneto Ignition 1964-1966 580243
65 / 70 / 75 / V6 1979-1984 584561
70 / 75 1974-1975 502890
70 / 75 1976-1978 502886
75 Magneto Ignition 1960-1965 580243
80 1966 580243
85 1973-1975 502890
85 / 115 1976-1977 502888
90 / 115 Looper 1995-2006 583740
100 1967-1968 433659
115 1973-1974 502890
135 1973-1975 502890
135 1976 502888
140 1977 502888
150 / 175 / 200 / 235 1976-1978 502888
150-175 Looper 1991-2006 583740
150-175 V6 DI 1997-2001 583740
OMC Sea Drive® (Plug-In Coil) 1984-1985 584561
3-Cylinder thru V8 (except 150-175 Loop) 1985-2001 582508
V4 / V6 Evinrude® E-TEC® Dual Coil 2005-2008 586854
V6 90° Evinrude® E-TEC® Single Coil 2005-2008 586857

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